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No online donation form
Ultimo aggiornamento 11 mesi fa

Sacred Space does offer online donations via credit/debit card as well as PayPal via the donate page https://sacredspace.com/donate/. If the donate form does not show,  it means that you have declined all cookies. Rejecting cookies will mean you are not able to see our donation form.

The donate page should look like this (see image below):


In order to fix this, you will need to go to this page https://sacredspace.com/cookies/ and click on Cookie Consent Preferences (see screenshot below). You will then need to click "Allow All".

Unfortunately, the service we use to manage donations requires that Essential, Performance, Functionality, and Analytics cookies are all allowed in order for the donation form to be displayed. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to change this at the moment.


We fully understand if you do not want to allow all cookies. We do offer alternative donation methods in the form of Wire Transfer (EFT) and cheque. Please see our other FAQ to find out more.

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