Question fréquemment posée

New design
Dernière mise à jour il y a 2 ans

Since 2020 we have been gathering your feedback and that of design experts. We have done this through our support tickets, our 2021 survey, and various religious groups. There was a resounding request that the dark grey colour should be replaced and that the dark grey text on light grey background was incredibly hard to read. We took this feedback along with what people said they liked about the website and features that people were not using and created a whole new design for Sacred Space. Please see the screenshot below which shows how the old website looked compared to how the new site looks. 

We understand that some of you changed the background on the old website to, for example, the nature background, and that we do not have this option on the new website. In actual fact, only about 1% of our users used this function, and therefore, as 99% were using the grey default background, and didn't know about the other options, we felt it was important to create a brighter, less sombre and dull background. We also needed to be consistent in terms of the "brand" of Sacred Space, and therefore we chose not to make different background options available on the new website.

We are very aware that change is hard and that the old design has been around since 2012 so it has become part of the way that people pray each day. Our goal was not change for change's sake. Each and every change we made was made for a reason directly related to ease of use, accessibility, maintenance, or legal issues. 


What people are saying

“I’ve been using it daily instead of the app to get a feel for it and I think you guys have done a wonder job on it. Congratulations!!”

“The new site is great! It is a huge improvement for me in terms of readability and I don't have the same problems with it that I have with the old site. I also like that it has kept the "quiet" feeling of the old site, with subtle colours and images. It is quietening just to open the prayer.”

Just want to congratulate all on the new format. Much more free flowing and easy to follow.

“In terms of the design, I think it’s very effective in the main aim of updating the visual style from the current site, it’s a number of times more visually appealing and I feel the ‘simplicity’ of it is actually one of the strengths since it really helps to make all the content very readable. Due to the nature of the site and it’s content having anything that is overly designed or flashy would be a detriment in my opinion.”

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